ITF International Technical Seminar
Dear Grandmasters, Masters & Instructors,
I trust you are all keeping in very good health, and looking forward to your Summer break.
Attached please find the RITA Poster and application form to attend the official ITF International Technical Seminar (ITS) conducted by 9th Degree ITF GM Barrett to be held in the Lucan Spa Hotel from 12th -14th October 2018. Please circulate to your students and encourage them to attend and support this very special ITF /RITA event.
I have reserved some rooms in the Spa Hotel €99 per night B&B per room 2 people sharing, and €69 per night for Single room B&B, please contact Betty with reference Valerie Keane (Taekwon-Do) or myself and I will make the reservations on your behalf.
Should you require more information please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Kind Regards
Yours in Taekwon-Do
Master Valerie Keane VII Degree
R.I.T.A National Secretary
Ph:+353 1 4510462
Poster and Information pack available here
Application form in Microsoft Word available here
Application form in PDF available here