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Taekwon-Do Dublin TKD

ITF International Technical Seminar

Dear Grandmasters, Masters & Instructors,

I trust you are all keeping in very good health, and looking forward to your Summer break.

Attached please find the RITA Poster and application form to attend the official ITF International Technical Seminar (ITS) conducted by 9th Degree ITF GM Barrett to be held in the Lucan Spa Hotel from 12th -14th October 2018. Please circulate to your students and encourage them to attend and support this very special ITF /RITA event.

I have reserved some rooms in the Spa Hotel €99 per night B&B per room 2 people sharing, and €69 per night for Single room B&B, please contact Betty with reference Valerie Keane (Taekwon-Do) or myself and I will make the reservations on your behalf.

Should you require more information please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Kind Regards

Yours in Taekwon-Do

Master Valerie Keane VII Degree

R.I.T.A National Secretary

Ph:+353 1 4510462


Poster and Information pack available here


Application form in Microsoft Word available here


Application form in PDF available here

Gold for Mr Leon McSherry

Gold for Mr Leon McSherry

Congratulations to Mr Leon McSherry  who has won the Gold medal in 5th Degree Patterns at the ITF  European Taekwon-Do Championships in Estonia. Congratulations from everyone in Grandmaster Howard's Dojang.

Hard works pays off for CBS

The RITA’s Colour Belt Development Squad reaped the rewards of the hard work with some very fine displays at the UKTA’s English Open 2018 in Guildford.

The 15 person squad competed in patterns, sparring and special technique, over the St Patrick’s weekend. The students’ hard training produced clear improvements in both sparring and patterns and they were clearly proud to wear the tricolour on their sleeve. Taking home 10 gold, 4 silver and 6 bronze medals was an added bonus for their hard work.

Well done to our students who represented Ireland and the CBS at the weekend; Adam Hu, Chloe Roche, Chris Yu, Daragh O’Shea, Emily Harold, Finn Howard, Kate Harold, Katie Delaney, Luca Mesolella, Niamh Davis, Oliwia Swizdor.

The main goal of the CBS is to develop the students’ patterns and sparring skills for competitions and to prepare students for international competitions. It is drawn from all RITA schools and is coached by Ms Audrey Condon and Mr Adam Fox. CBS training is open to all RITA colour belts (yellow belt and above) and the coaches would love to see as many RITA students taking part. Training is usually once a month. If you are interested why not ask Master Howard for more details. 

Sparring Camp

Dear Instructors and Black Belts,

You and your students are invited to our latest sparring seminar with Mr Konstantin Yurikov from Russia. Please see details below. Tickets are available on-line.

Hope to see you there

Master Howard

Konstantin Yurikov Sparring Camp




Konstantin Yurikov Sparring Camp – 3/4th February 2018

This is an exclusive sparring camp for RITA members only.

This is another chance to train with multiple World and European Taekwon-Do champion, Mr Konstantin Yurikov from Russia. The camp will develop both sparring tactics and sparring techniques and is accessible to new and experienced black belts and colour belts alike (yellow belt and above). If you are interested in developing your sparring skills for both competitions and gradings then this event is for you.

The previous sparring camps were very success and fully booked out. Discounted Early Bird tickets only €60 available up to Friday 26th January, (full price €75).  Places are limited due to space, so book early and don't miss out. 

Where: St Joseph’s School for Deaf Boys, Navan Rd, Dublin 7

When: Saturday 3rd, Sunday 4th February 2018

Book online at


Master Robert Howard , 8th Degree

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