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Taekwon-Do Dublin TKD

Cabra Fun Day 2012




Cabra Fun Challenge 2012


Thursday 24th May 2012

7 – 9pm






Special events for boys and girls of the


Taekwon-Do Tigers Friday class. All Spectators Welcome


Fun Challenge for the Tigers Class

This is a special class to prepare your child for real tournaments in the future. It is a fun event and is designed to encourage your child to practice their Taekwon-Do at home.


1) 4 step – kick (4 times to the right, them 4 times to the left)
Try your best to .....
1) have the kicking leg fully straight at the end of the kick
2) pull the top of your foot back so that you kick with the side of your foot
3) turn your standing foot in the opposite direction to your kicking leg
4) do a high punch while kicking and put the other hand on your hip
2) Stretching routine –15 seconds to impress the judges with your flexibility.
3) Jump over head kick (Nopi chagi) – Jump up as high as you can to kick the pad.
4) Team sparring

Safety Equipment

All children will be sparring and will need to bring their gums shields. Boys will need their groin guards. You child will be put on a team for the team sparring. If they can’t attend please text me to let me know so I can rearrange the team.


Looking forward to seeing you there.


Master Robert Howard

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