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Taekwon-Do Dublin TKD

Taekwon-Do Tigers Homework

Taekwon-Do Tigers Grading

Friday 3 pm 22nd June 2012


Your dobok (Taekwon-Do suit) should be clean and ironed for the grading.


Fundamental Moves 

• Parallel Stance Punch
• WS punch stepping forward (4 times)
• WS inner forearm middle block stepping back (4 times)

4 Step 

• 4 Step Kick (sitting stance, side kick 4 times to the right, then 4 times to the left



• Leg swings (front, 5 times each leg)
• Stretching (front and side splits)
• Active stretching (holding leg up to pad, front kick and side kick). Hold your leg up and count to 3.


Jumping Techniques 

• Jumping Punches
• Flying Front Kick
• Flying Overhead kick


Korean words and Terminology (need to know both English and Korean)
Counting (1-10): (Hana, Dul, Set, Net, Daseot, Yeoseot, Ilgop, Yeodeol, Ahop, Yeol)

  •  Walking Stance – Gunnan Sogi
  •  Sitting stance – Annun Sogi
  •  Parallel stance - Narani Sogi
  •  Punch - Jirugi
  •  Block - Makgi
  •  Fore fist – Ap Joomuk
  •  Inner Forearm – An Palmok
  •  Side Kick – Yop Chagi
  •  Front Kick – Ap Chagi

Learn these goals and your code too.

Taekwon-Do Tiger’s Goals are to
1. Be polite
2. Be respectful
3. Always tell the truth.
4. Try my best.
5. Never give up.



Taekwon-Do Tiger’s Code
1. I will practice the goals of Taekwon-Do.
2. I will respect my teachers and parents
3. I will never misuse Taekwon-Do.
4. I will always do what is right.
5. I will make the world a better place.

4 STEP Kick
Start: sitting ready stance
Moving to the right
1) Bring the left foot to the right foot, lift the right knee, do a right leg side kick with right high punch (left hand on the left hip) land in Sitting Stance
2) Bring the left foot to the right foot, lift the right knee, do a right leg side kick with right high punch (left hand on the left hip) land in Sitting Stance
3) Bring the left foot to the right foot, lift the right knee, do a right leg side kick with right high punch (left hand on the left hip) land in Sitting Stance
4) Bring the left foot to the right foot, lift the right knee, do a right leg side kick with right high punch (left hand on the left hip) land in Sitting Stance
    Moving to the left (turn face to the left)
1) Bring the right foot to the left foot, lift the left knee, do a left leg side kick with left high punch (right hand on the right hip) land in Sitting Stance
2) Bring the right foot to the left foot, lift the left knee, do a left leg side kick with left high punch (right hand on the right hip) land in Sitting Stance
3) Bring the right foot to the left foot, lift the left knee, do a left leg side kick with left high punch (right hand on the right hip) land in Sitting Stance
4) Bring the right foot to the left foot, lift the left knee, do a left leg side kick with left high punch (right hand on the right hip) land in Sitting Stance

Try your best to .....
1) have the kicking leg fully straight at the end of the kick
2) pull the top of your foot back so that you kick with the side of your foot
3) turn your standing foot in the opposite direction to your kicking leg
4) do a high punch while kicking and put the other hand on your hip


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