Congratulations to Arno Denne of Grandmaster Howard’s Dojang who was promoted to 1st degree black belt
at the RITA’s black belt grading in Tallaght this weekend. Arno was put through his paces by the RITA’s
senior examination panel of GM Howard, SM Phelan and SM Barrett. The rigorous test consisted
of; 2 patterns, self-defence (release from grabs), knife self-defence, free-sparring 2-on-to-1 sparring,
breaking and theory. Arno did well on the flying side kick breaks and also broke with backfist strike
to secure the coveted black belt. Arno started training with Grandmaster Howard at blue belt when his
original school Coolock closed a few years ago. Well done Arno from all the students at
Grandmaster Howard’s Dojang and Coolock.